Za početak gade mi se moderni doktori koji ti ne savjetuju da probaš nešto drugo i da se informiraš ako ne spada u tradicionalnu terpaiju. Dapače još ti zabrane, a znaju da ti je prognoza R:I:P i zbog čega bi im normalan čovjek povjerovao. Sramite se se doktori dok uživate na svojim putovanjima koja vam plaćaju farmaceutske firme i što šta drugo.
Nutricionstkinja Jean Wallace iz Nutritional Solutions ima puno dužu stopu preživljanjava pacijenata s glioblastomom nego ovi naši doktori. Recimo naš doktor ima 3 godine, a ona ima 20 kod jednog pacijenta, mada ima i drugih koji žive već 13, 10. 17... godina uglavnom to je dovoljno da logički zaključite da bi svakako trebali razmisliti o uzimanju njenog programa zajedno s kemo i zračenjem.
Ona svoj program prilagođava klijentu i sve podupire studijama. Cilj joj je zaštita zdravih, oslabljenje bolesnih stanica i poboljšanje djelovanja kemoterapije. To je ukratko to. Čula sam se snjom.
Ovo je moj chat s njom:
- Conversation started 21. veljača
PMS bomb
Hello! My father has glioblastom IV. How much success did you have with thi type?
Pozdrav! Moj otac boluje od glioblastom IV. Koliko uspjeha s te imali s ovim tipom?- 24. veljača
- Nutritional Solutions
HI, We have specialized in working with GBM IV since 1997 and have worked with hundreds of brain tumor clients. We don't offer "treatment" but rather nutritional support to complement medical care, thus we don't advertise "success rates" the way medical therapies do. However, we did submit at "Best Case Series" to the NIH/NCI in 2005 and their survival curve was favorable showing that our clients who add nutritional support to their care did very well. Two of our long-term GBM survivors (12+ and 16 years out) have posted their stories on our facebook page. You can learn more about our services on our website: Our team would be pleased to help your dad. Feel free to call our office and speak with our client coordinator, Bethany, if you have questions! 435-563-0053 PMS bomb
I am from Croatia. What are the posibilites for my dad on long distance. What are the approximate costs.
JA sam iz Hrvatske. Koje su mogućnosti liječenja na daljinu. Koji su prosječni troškovi.- 25. veljača
- Nutritional Solutions
Hi Ivana, We have worked with clients all over the globe, so it is possible. Appointments can be done via Skype (as long as there's a good enough connection to hear each other). Costs are listed on our website (see the "Services" link, for example: Please allow extra shipping time for your report packet to pass through Customs! You will want to ensure that dietary supplements are available locally, as we cannot ship these internationally. You may wish to call the office and speak with us about further details. Jenny or Bethany can help you with additional questions about working with us from a distance.